Thursday, October 13, 2011

A Discovery of Witches - Deborah Harkness

It's been nearly two years since my last post. I lost my 50 Greatest Short Stories in the back of my car and just recently located it again. But, I kind of dropped off the reading band wagon all together. Now, it's time to get back on.

I'm still a reporter for Sun, but now I am also married and have a friend in a book club. I decided to give the club a try and we are reading A Discovery of Witches by Deborah Harkness. So far, so amazing. It's a real page turner. I'm not quite half way through the 42 chapter book about witches, daemons and vampires, but I'm close.

I would prefer not to write a review until I'm done reading it, but I was thinking of trying out a "review as you go" kind of thing. Not sure yet. I am also reading The Da Vinci Code and am attempting to be a cover-to-cover reader of The Atlantic. So far, so amazing. 

I hate making promises I can't keep, so this may or may not be the last post in this blog for another two years. I am just so easily side tracked. But, it would do me good to keep up with at least one of my blogs. We'll see what happens.

Oh yeah. Here's a favorite quote by Deborah Harkness:

“Yes, I see that you are behaving like a prince but that doesn't mean you won't behave like a devil at the first opportunity.” - Deborah Harkness (straight from A Discovery of Witches)